An Error and ErrorKind pair

This pattern is the most robust way to manage errors - and also the most high maintenance. It combines some of the advantages of the using Error pattern and the custom failure patterns, while avoiding some of the disadvantages each of those patterns has:

  1. Like Error, this is forward compatible with new underlying kinds of errors from your dependencies.
  2. Like custom failures, this pattern allows you to specify additional information about the error that your dependencies don't give you.
  3. Like Error, it can be easier to convert underlying errors from dependency into this type than for custom failures.
  4. Like custom failures, users can gain some information about the error without downcasting.

The pattern is to create two new failure types: an Error and an ErrorKind, and to leverage the Context type provided by failure.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
struct MyError {
    inner: Context<MyErrorKind>,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Fail)]
enum MyErrorKind {
    // A plain enum with no data in any of its variants
    // For example:
    #[fail(display = "A contextual error message.")]
    // ...

Unfortunately, it is not easy to correctly derive Fail for MyError so that it delegates things to its inner Context. You should write those impls yourself:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Fail for MyError {
    fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Fail> {

    fn backtrace(&self) -> Option<&Backtrace> {

impl Display for MyError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        Display::fmt(&self.inner, f)

You should also provide some conversions and accessors, to go between a Context, your ErrorKind, and your Error:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl MyError {
    pub fn kind(&self) -> MyErrorKind {

impl From<MyErrorKind> for MyError {
    fn from(kind: MyErrorKind) -> MyError {
        MyError { inner: Context::new(kind) }

impl From<Context<MyErrorKind>> for MyError {
    fn from(inner: Context<MyErrorKind>) -> MyError {
        MyError { inner: inner }

With this code set up, you can use the context method from failure to apply your ErrorKind to errors in underlying libraries:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

You can also directly throw ErrorKind without an underlying error when appropriate:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

What should your ErrorKind contain?

Your error kind probably should not carry data - and if it does, it should only carry stateless data types that provide additional information about what the ErrorKind means. This way, your ErrorKind can be Eq, making it easy to use as a way of comparing errors.

Your ErrorKind is a way of providing information about what errors mean appropriate to the level of abstraction that your library operates at. As some examples:

  • If your library expects to read from the user's Cargo.toml, you might have a InvalidCargoToml variant, to capture what io::Error and toml::Error mean in the context of your library.
  • If your library does both file system activity and network activity, you might have Filesystem and Network variants, to divide up the io::Errors between which system in particular failed.

Exactly what semantic information is appropriate depends entirely on what this bit of code is intended to do.

When might you use this pattern?

The most likely use cases for this pattern are mid-layer which perform a function that requires many dependencies, and that are intended to be used in production. Libraries with few dependencies do not need to manage many underlying error types and can probably suffice with a simpler custom failure. Applications that know they are almost always just going to log these errors can get away with using the Error type rather than managing extra context information.

That said, when you need to provide the most expressive information about an error possible, this can be a good approach.

Caveats on this pattern

This pattern is the most involved pattern documented in this book. It involves a lot of boilerplate to set up (which may be automated away eventually), and it requires you to apply a contextual message to every underlying error that is thrown inside your code. It can be a lot of work to maintain this pattern.

Additionally, like the Error type, the Context type may use an allocation and a dynamic dispatch internally. If you know this is too expensive for your use case, you should not use this pattern.